Galih Witono
English Education Department
Faculty of
Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training
Siliwangi University
This paper aims to describe the vocabulary instruction
using mind map. Vocabulary is a basic component of language which must be
mastered by the students in language learning. It is a major factor which can
support their ability in communication. In other words, vocabulary is a main
component to be able to speak, to listen, to read, and to write. Thus,
vocabulary is very important to master in learning language, so that the
students can communicate well. There are many instructional media which can be
used in teaching vocabulary to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. One of
them is mind map. Mind map is a map used to link words or ideas to a key word
or idea. It can be used as an instructional medium in teaching vocabulary. This
medium will make the students enjoy and get more interested in learning.
Besides, it will make the students easier to learn and to have a long term
memory on the material taught. Thus, it can be assumed that mind map is very
useful and suitable in teaching vocabulary in order to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery.
Key words: Mind Map, Teaching Vocabulary
English is a foreign language which
is very important to study and to master in order to be able to absorb and to
develop science, technology, art, and culture as well as to build an
international relationship. According to Brown, H. Douglas (2007:6), “Language operates in a speech community or culture.” Therefore,
the government of Indonesia
decides to take English as one of the subjects studied by the students from
elementary school to university level, which aims to make the students able to
develop their knowledge and to participate in the world interaction.
on the data obtained from the preliminary research done through interview with
an English teacher of SDN IPK
Mochamad Toha Singaparna Tasikmalaya, it is known that in the process of learning English, the
students find difficulties in mastering vocabulary, such as the difficulty to
pronounce, to remember the meaning, and to memorize the words. Whereas,
vocabulary mastery is very important in learning English because it is a base
to be able to communicate or to use English appropriately, covering to be able
to use the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thus,
it is clear that without vocabulary mastery, the communication will not run
To overcome the problems above, mind map can be used as the solution. It can
be used as an instructional medium in teaching vocabulary. By using this
medium, the students are supposed to be fun and easy to learn it. They are
not demanded to write very much, but they are encouraged to develop their thought
by mapping their mind in a scheme, tree root, picture, colour map, and keyword.
According to Michalko, Michael as quoted by Buzan, Tony (2005:6), “Mind map akan mengaktifkan seluruh otak, membereskan
akal dari kekusutan mental, memungkinkan kita berfokus pada pokok bahasan, membantu
menunjukkan hubungan antara bagian-bagian informasi yang saling terpisah,
memberi gambaran lebih jelas pada keseluruhan dan perincian, memungkinkan kita
mengelompokkan konsep, membantu kita membandingkannya, dan mensyaratkan kita
untuk memusatkan perhatian pada pokok bahasan yang membantu mengalihkan
informasi tentangnya dari ingatan jangka pendek ke ingatan jangka panjang.”
It means that mind map will
activate the whole brain, set the mind from the mental clutter, allow us to
focus on the topic, help to show the relation between the separated parts of
information, give the clearer illustration at the whole or detail, allow us to classify
the concepts, help us to compare it, and require us to focus on the topic that
helps to transfer the information from the short term memory to the long term one.
Thus, the use of mind map is hoped to overcome the students’ difficulties in
learning vocabulary, especially about the difficulty to remember the meaning
and to memorize the words, so that their vocabulary mastery becomes better.
This part presents the nature of vocabulary, the nature
of mind map, the steps
of making mind map and teaching vocabulary by using it, and the advantages of mind map in teaching vocabulary.
1. The Nature of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the collection of words in a particular language. According
to Linse, Caroline T. (2005:121), “Vocabulary is the collection of words that
an individual knows.” Diamond, Linda and Linda Gutlohn (2014:1) state,
“Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings.” Moreover, Napa , Pieter A. (1991:6)
says, “Vocabulary is one of the components of language and that no language
exists without words. Words are signs or symbols for ideas. They are the means
by which people exchange their thoughts.” Based on these definitions, it can be
concluded that vocabulary is the collection of words in a particular language
as symbols for ideas used by people to communicate each other.
student is said to master vocabulary if he has the knowledge about word forms,
word meanings, and word uses in both conversation and writing. According to
Young, Donna as quoted by Sofa (2011:2), “Vocabulary is the study of: 1) the
meanings of words, 2) how the words are used, 3) root words, prefixes, suffixes, and 4) analogies.”
Meanwhile, Kamil and Hiebert as quoted by Sofa (2011:3) explain, “Vocabulary is
knowledge of words and word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than
this definition suggests. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral
vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in listening and
speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in
reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive
and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that they recognize when
they hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that they use when
they speak or write.” Based on the description, it is concluded that
vocabulary mastery is the knowledge of words, word meanings, and word uses in the
daily life covering oral and printed language in the receptive and productive
2. The Nature of Mind Map
Mind map is a visual aid which can
be used in teaching learning process to link words or ideas to a key word or
idea. According to Buzan, Tony (2005:4), “Mind map adalah cara termudah untuk menempatkan informasi ke dalam otak dan
mengambil informasi ke luar dari otak. Mind map adalah cara mencatat yang kreatif, efektif dan secara harfiah akan
memetakan pikiran-pikiran kita.” It means that mind map is the easiest way
to put information into the brain and to take information out of the brain. It
is a creative and effective way to write, and literally it will map our minds.
Moreover, Wales, Jimmy (2014:1) says, “A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word
or idea.” Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that mind map is a
map used to link words or ideas to a key word or idea.
3. Steps of Making Mind Map and
Teaching Vocabulary by Using it
There are some factors to notice in making a mind map. According to
Buzan, Tony and Barry Buzan (1993:96),
1) Always use a central image.
2) Use images throughout your mind map.
3) Use three or more colours per
central image.
4) Use dimension in images.
5) Use synaesthesia (the blending of
the physical senses).
6) Use variations of size of printing,
line, and image.
7) Use organized spacing.
8) Use appropriate spacing.
b. Use association.
1) Use arrows when you want to make
connections within and across the branch pattern.
2) Use colours.
3) Use codes.
c. Be clear.
1) Use only one key word per line.
2) Print all words.
3) Print key words on lines.
4) Make line length equal to word
5) Connect to lines to other lines.
6) Make the central lines thicker.
7) Make your boundaries embrace your
branch outline.
8) Make your images as clear as
9) Keep your paper placed horizontally
in front of you.
10) Keep your printing as upright as possible.
d. Develop a personal style.
Moreover, Buzan, Tony (2005:4) states the steps of making a mind map as
Tujuh langkah dalam membuat mind map:
a. Mulailah dari bagian TENGAH kertas kosong yang sisi panjangnya
diletakkan mendatar. Mengapa? Karena memulai dari tengah memberi kebebasan
kepada otak untuk menyebar ke segala arah dan untuk mengungkapkan dirinya
dengan lebih bebas dan alami.
b. Gunakan GAMBAR atau FOTO untuk ide sentral Anda. Mengapa? Karena sebuah
gambar bermakna seribu kata dan membantu kita menggunakan imajinasi. Sebuah
gambar sentral akan lebih menarik, membuat kita tetap terfokus, membantu kita
berkonsentrasi, dan mengaktifkan otak kita.
c. Gunakan WARNA. Mengapa? Karena bagi otak, warna sama menariknya dengan
gambar. Warna membuat Mind Map lebih hidup, menambah
energi kepada Pemikiran Kreatif, dan menyenangkan.
d. HUBUNGKAN CABANG-CABANG UTAMA ke gambar pusat dan hubungkan
cabang-cabang tingkat dua dan tiga ke tingkat satu dan dua, dan seterusnya.
Mengapa? Karena otak bekerja menurut asosiasi. Otak senang mengaitkan dua (atau
tiga, atau empat) hal sekaligus. Bila kita menghubungkan cabang-cabang, kita akan lebih mudah mengerti
dan mengingat.
e. Buatlah garis hubung yang MELENGKUNG, bukan garis lurus. Mengapa? Karena
garis lurus akan membosankan otak.
GARIS. Mengapa? Karena kata kunci tunggal memberi lebih banyak daya dan
fleksibilitas kepada Mind Map.
g. Gunakan GAMBAR. Mengapa? Karena seperti gambar sentral, setiap gambar
bermakna seribu kata.
It means that there are seven steps in making a mind map:
from the MIDDLE of blank paper whose length side is placed horizontally. Why?
Because starting from the middle gives freedom to the brain to spread in all
directions and to express it more freely and naturally.
PICTURE or PHOTO for your central idea. Why? Because a picture has the meaning
of a thousand words and helps us to use our imagination. A central picture will
become more interesting, keep us focus, help us to concentrate, and activate our
COLOUR. Why? Because for the brain, colour is as interesting as picture. Colour
makes Mind Map become livelier, add energy to Creative Thinking, and be fun.
THE MAIN BRANCHES to the central picture and connect the second and third level
of branches to the first and second level, and so on. Why? Because the brain
works based on association. Brain is happy to link two (or three, or four)
things at once. If we connect the branches, we will be easier to understand and
to remember.
curved connective lines, not the straight ones. Why? Because the straight lines
will bore the brain.
ONE KEY WORD FOR EACH LINE. Why? Because a single key word gives more power and
flexibility to the Mind Map.
the PICTURE. Why? Because like a central picture, each picture has the meaning
of a thousand words.
Based on the description above, some important factors to notice in
making a mind map are the use of picture, colours, and curve lines.
Furthermore, the steps of teaching vocabulary by using mind map are as
the mind map to the students.
b. Explaining the central idea or word
and its relationship with other ideas or words.
c. Giving the examples of words taught
in sentences.
d. Writing a new central idea or word
on the middle of blackboard.
e. Asking the students to find other
ideas or words related to the central idea or word given.
f. Asking the students to explain the
relationship between the central idea or word and other ideas or words.
g. Asking the students to use the words
acquired in sentences.
h. Checking the students’ understanding
about the vocabulary discussed by giving them some questions.
4. The Advantages of Mind Map in Teaching Vocabulary
The use of mind map in
teaching vocabulary is supposed able to make the students understand the
vocabulary taught better. According to Buzan, Tony (2005:13), “Dengan mind map, setiap potong informasi baru yang kita masukkan ke perpustakaan kita
otomatis dilakukan ke semua informasi yang sudah ada di sana. Semakin banyak
kaitan ingatan yang melekat pada setiap potong informasi dalam kepala kita,
akan semakin mudah kita mengait keluar apa pun informasi yang kita butuhkan.
Dengan mind map, semakin banyak kita
tahu dan belajar, akan semakin mudah belajar dan mengetahui lebih banyak.”
It means that by mind map, every piece of new information we put into our
library is automatically done to all information that have already been there.
The more the memory link adhered to every piece of information in our head, the
easier we link out any information we need. By mind map, the more we know and
learn, the easier we learn and know more. Based on this explanation, it can be
assumed that the use of mind map will make the students easier to learn and to
understand vocabulary. In addition, Buzan, Tony and Barry Buzan (1993:232)
explain, “Benefits of teaching with mind maps:
a. They automatically inspire interest
in the students, thus making them more receptive and co-operative in the
b. They make lessons and presentations
more spontaneous, creative, and enjoyable, both for the teacher and the
c. Rather than remaining relatively
rigid as the years go by, the teacher’s notes are flexible and adaptable. In
these times of rapid change and development, the teacher needs to be able to
alter and add to teaching notes quickly and easily.
d. Because mind maps present only
relevant material in a clear and memorable form, the students tend to get
better marks in examinations.
e. Unlike linear text, mind maps show
not just the facts but the relationships between those facts, thus giving the
students a deeper understanding of the subject.
f. The physical volume of lecture notes
is dramatically reduced.
Meanwhile, according
to P., Susanto Edy (2012:1), “Mind mapping akan sangat bermanfaat dalam pembelajaran terutama dalam keterampilan
mencatat dan mengingat, antara lain:
membantu dengan
kemampuan otak untuk berkonsentrasi
esensi materi menjadi jelas
secara visual
relatif lebih jelas urutan dan informasinya
membuat sambungan
antara ide-ide mudah untuk dilihat
e. meningkatkan daya ingat menjadi long
term memory
f. meningkatkan keyakinan kita dalam kemampuan
kita untuk belajar.”
It means that mind mapping will be
greatly useful in learning especially in the skill of writing and remembering:
a. to help with the brain’s ability to
b. to enable the essence of material to
be clear
c. to make the order and information
clearer visually
d. to make the relationship among ideas easy to
e. to improve memory into a long term
f. to increase our confidence on our
ability to learn
Based on the
explanations above, the use of mind map will make the students enjoy and get
more interested in learning. Besides, it will make the students easier to learn
and to have a long term memory on the material taught. Thus, it can be assumed
that mind map can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the collection of words
in a particular language as symbols for ideas used by people to communicate
each other. Meanwhile, vocabulary mastery is the knowledge of words, word
meanings, and word uses in the daily life covering oral and printed language in
the receptive and productive forms.
Mind map is a map used to link words
or ideas to a key word or idea. It can be used as an instructional medium in
teaching vocabulary. This medium will make the students enjoy and get more
interested in learning. Besides, it will make the students easier to learn and
to have a long term memory on the material taught. Thus, it can be assumed that
mind map is very useful and suitable in teaching vocabulary in order to improve
the students’ vocabulary mastery.
Brown, H. Douglas. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and
Teaching – Fifth Edition. New
York : Pearson Education, Inc.
Buzan, Tony. (2005). Buku Pintar Mind Map untuk Anak. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka
Buzan, Tony and Barry
Buzan. (1993). The Mind Map Book. New
York: Penguin Books USA, Inc.
Diamond, Linda and
Linda Gutlohn. (2014). Teaching
Vocabulary. Retrieved from
Linse, Caroline T.
(2005). Practical English Language
Teaching: Young Learners. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Napa, Pieter A.
(1991). Vocabulary Development Skills.
Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
P., Susanto Edy.
(2012). Manfaat Mind Mapping dalam
Peningkatan Belajar-Study Skill dan Sukses Kehidupan-Life Skill. Retrieved
from http://
Sofa. (2011). Teaching of Vocabulary. Retrieved from http://massofa.wordpress.
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